Our commitment to health

Backed by leading investors such as Morningside, Ancora Finance Group, Wellington Partners Life Sciences, and MTIP, Koa Health has spent the past 8 years meticulously researching and validating our comprehensive care model, enabling organizations to transform their approach to mental health with a unified platform.

Purpose-driven innovation

Our values


We encourage and support people as they work with us to improve their health, with empathy, understanding and respect.


Improvements in health cannot happen without easy-to-access, clinically-validated interventions people can depend on for treatment and support.


When it comes to digital health, we believe scientific research and meaningful innovations, driven by that research, are the way forward.

Our approach

Breakthrough technology for flexible, effective care

Because people’s health and safety are at the centre of everything we do, we conduct comprehensive research on all products—from testing concepts to evaluating usability with diverse users.

Treatment programs are validated through randomized controlled trials (RCTs), including pivotal clinical trials towards FDA clearance, and audited by third parties to ensure unbiased solutions.


Our team of researchers, data scientists, clinicians and engineers collaborate with leading institutions such as Massachusetts General Hospital and Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust to build evidence-based prediction, prevention and treatment solutions that meet users’ mental health needs end-to-end.

Our team

We're passionate about building optimum care

Our diverse, cross-functional team of researchers, engineers and designers collaborate with the best clinicians in the world to develop and implement groundbreaking technology. Together, we're dedicated to combining our talents for the greater good.

We leverage advanced data analysis to create solutions that support people everywhere in their efforts to live healthier lives.

Interested in joining our team? Check out our current openings here.

  • Product

    Koa Health's skilled product management and design professionals leverage expertise from years of experience at Google, HP, PayPal and more to help people lead healthier lives.

  • Engineering

    With over 100 years of combined experience building products, our engineering team paves the way, developing innovative, ground-breaking ways to improve health.

  • Research

    The 10 PhDs on the Koa Health team explore research in Explainable, Empathic and Privacy-Preserving AI, Natural Language Processing and more.

  • Oliver Harrison

    Chief Executive Officer

    Oliver trained as a medical doctor at Cambridge and UCL and practiced for six years in psychiatry before dedicating his career to digital mental health. He spent five years in McKinsey’s Health Tech practice and the last 15 years designing and building scalable health tech solutions.

Backed by experts

Our scientific advisory board

  • Tom Insel

    Board chair

    World-renowned US mental health expert in mental health research, policy and technology.

  • Sabine Wilhelm

    Chief of Psychology, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Professor, Harvard Medical School.

  • Peter Fonagy

    University College London (UCL), Head of the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences.

  • Steve Pilling

    Professor of Clinical Psychology and Head of the Department of Clinical, Education and Health Psychology at University College London (UCL).

  • Beth Rogozinski

    CEO of Oncoustics, an innovative AI solutions company. Past CPO at Pear Therapeutics.