Artículos de investigación de Koa Health

Nos hemos comprometido a compartir nuestros hallazgos con la comunidad científica en general y a desarrollar un mejor apoyo para el bienestar mental con los conocimientos adquiridos a través de la revisión de profesionales del sector.

Nuestros hallazgos se han incluido en publicaciones del sector como Nature Medicine, Scientific Reports, JMIR MHealth Uhealth, ACM Press, Behavior Therapy, IMWUT/UbiComp, Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).


L. Schulze, A. Henwood, A. Matic, B. Skorulski, L. Schneider, S. Dix, J. Guerreiro, and P. Dolan. “Efficacy of the “Foundations” Smartphone Application in Improving Mental Well-Being in Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science (2024): 1-9.

L. Greenberg, H. Weingarden, S. S. Hoeppner, … O. Harrison, S. Wilhelm, et al. “Predicting response to a smartphone-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for body dysmorphic disorder.Journal of Affective Disorders 355 (2024): 106-114.

Sabine Wilhelm, Emily E. Bernstein, Kate H. Bentley, Ivar Snorrason, Susanne S. Hoeppner, Dalton Klare, Jennifer L. Greenberg, Hilary Weingarden, Thomas H. McCoy, Oliver Harrison, “Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy of a Smartphone App–Led Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression Under Therapist Supervision: Open Trial”, JMIR Mental Health, Vol 11, 2024

E. E. Bernstein, D. Klare, H. Weingarden, J. L. Greendberg, I. Snorrason, S. S, Hoeppner, R. Vanderkruik, O. Harrison, S. Wilhelm, Impact of sleep disruption on BDD symptoms and treatment response, in Journal of Affective Disorders, 2024.


R. Garriga, T. S. Buda, J. Guerreiro, J. O. Iglesias, I. E. Aguerri, and A. Matic, Combining Clinical Notes With Structured Electronic Health Records Enhances the Prediction of Mental Health Crisis.” Cell Reports Medicine, 2023.

A. Ruiz de Villa, J. Guerreiro, F. Lucchesi, G. Maffei, B. Skorulski, G. Sottocornola and L. Coba, Leveraging Causal Inference to Measure the Impact of a Mental Health App on Users’ Well-being, in proceedings of ACM UMAP – User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 2023.

T. Buda, M. Khwaja, R. Garriga, and A. Matic, Two edges of the screen: Unpacking positive and negative associations between phone use in everyday contexts and subjective well-being. Plos one 18, no. 4 (2023): e0284104.

H. Weingarden, R. G. Calleja, J. L. Greenberg, I. Snorrason, A. Matic, R. Quist, O. Harrison, S. S. Heoppner, S. Wilhelm, Characterizing observed and effective behavioral engagement with smartphone cognitive behavioral therapy for body dysmorphic disorder: A methods roadmap and use case, Internet Interventions Vol. 32, 2023.


M. da Fonseca, María, G. Maffei, R. Moreno-Bote, A. Hyafil. Mood and implicit confidence independently fluctuate at different time scales. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience (2022): 1-20.

R. Garriga, J. Mas, S. Abraha, J. Nolan, O. Harrison, G. Tadros, A. Matic, Machine learning model to predict mental health crises from electronic health records. Nature Medicine, 2022.

R. Garriga, A. Matic, Machine learning paves the way toward the prevention of mental health crises. Nature Medicine, 2022.

S. Wilhelm, H. Weingarden, J.L. Greenberg, S.S. Hoeppner, I. Snorrason, E.E. Bernstein, T. H. McCoy, O. T. Harrison. Efficacy of App-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder with Coach Support: Initial Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 1-9.

A. Henwood, J. Guerreiro, A. Matic, P. Dolan, The duration of daily activities has no impact on measures of overall wellbeing. Sci Rep 12, 514, 2022.

S. Cataura-Solarz, B. Skorulski, I. Estella-Aguerri, C.B. Avella-García, S. Shepherd, E. Stott, A. Ruiz de Villa, L. Schulze and S. Dix. The Efficacy of “Foundations,” a Digital Mental Health App to Improve Mental Well-being During COVID-19: Proof-of-Principle Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR, Vol 10, No 7, 2022.

V. Patel, , J. A. Naslund, S. Wood, A. Patel, J. J. Chauvin, R. Agrawal, A. Bhan et al. EMPOWER: Toward the Global Dissemination of Psychosocial InterventionsFocus 20, no. 3 (2022): 301-306.

T. S. Buda, J. Guerreiro, J. Iglesias, C. Castillo, O. Smith, and A. Matic. Foundations for Fairness in Digital Health Apps. Frontiers in Digital Health: 165.

S. Gnanapragasam, S. Nishanth, R. Tinch-Taylor, H. R. Scott, S. Hegarty, E. S. Souliou, R. Bhundia, D. Lamb, D. Weston, N. Greenberg, I. Madan, S. Stevelink, R. Raine, B. Carter and S. Wessely. A multi-centre, England wide randomised controlled trial of the "Foundations" smartphone application in improving mental health and wellbeing in a healthcare worker population. British Journal of Psychiatry (2022): 1-18.


S. Pieritz, M. Khwaja, A. Faisal, A. Matic, Personalised Recommendations in Mental Health Apps: The Impact of Autonomy and Data Sharing. Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021) Papers program.

S. Buda, M. Khwaja, A. Matic, “Outliers in Smartphone Sensor Data Reveal Outliers in Daily Happiness”. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2021.

M. Khwaja, S. Pieritz, A. Faisal, and A. Matic, “Personality and Engagement with Digital Mental Health Interventions.” In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, pp. 235-239. 2021.

S. Cataura-Solarz, B. Skorulski, I.Estella, C. Avella-Garcia, S. Shepherd, E. Stott, N. R. Hemmings, A. Ruiz de la Villa, L. Schulze and S. Dix, “Efficacy of 'Foundations', a Digital Mental Health App to Improve Mental Well-Being, during COVID-19: A Proof-of-Principle Randomised Controlled TrialJMIR MHealth Uhealth, 2021.2021


H. Weingarden, A. Matic, R. Garriga Calleja, J.L. Greenberg, O.Harrison y S. Wilhelm, "Optimizing smartphone cognitive behavioral therapy for body dysmorphic disorder using passive smartphone data: Initial insights from an open pilot trial", dentro de JMIR MHealth Uhealth, 2020. J.

Camacho Collados, Y. Doval, E. Martínez-Cámara, L. Espinosa-Anke, F. Barbieri, y S. Schockaert, "Learning cross-lingual word embeddings from Twitter via distant supervision", dentro de Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2020.

G. Galdon Clavell, M. Martín Zamorano, C. Castillo, O. Smith y A. Matic, "Auditing algorithms: On lessons learned and the risks of data minimization", ACM Press, 2020.

R. Confalonieri, T. Weyde, T. R. Besold y F.M. del Prado Martín, "Trepan reloaded: A knowledge-driven approach to explaining black-box models", dentro de Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2020.

J. E. Bardram, A. Matic, "A decade of ubiquitous computing research in mental health", dentro de IEEE Pervasive Computing 19, número 1, 2020.


L. Zaadnoordijk, T. R. Besold, "Artificial phenomenology for human-level artificial intelligence", dentro de Proceedings of the AAAI 2019 Spring Symposium: Towards Conscious AI Systems, volumen. 2287, 2019.

M. Khwaja, M. Ferrer, J. Omana Iglesias, A. Aldo Faisal, A. Matic, "Aligning daily activities with personality: Towards a recommender system for improving wellbeing", dentro de Proceedings of ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), 2019.

F. Barbieri, E. Guizzo, F. Lucchesi, G. Maffei, F.M. del Prado Martín y T. Weyde, "Towards a multimodal time-based empathy prediction system", dentro de 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2019) IEEE, Chicago, 2019.

L. Zaadnoordijk, T. R. Besold y S. Hunnius, "A match does not make a sense: on the sufficiency of the comparator model for explaining the sense of agency", Neuroscience of Consciousness, volumen 1(niz006), Oxford Academic/Oxford University Press, 2019.

R. Confalonieri, O. Kutz, "Blending under deconstruction: The roles of logic, ontology, and cognition in computational concept invention", dentro de Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 2019. T.

R. Besold, P. Gervas, E. Gius y S. Schulz, "Computational creativity meets digital literary studies", Dagstuhl Seminar 19172, Dagstuhl Reports, volumen 9(4), Dagstuhl Publishing, 2019.

M. Khwaja, S.S. Vaid, S. Zannone, G.M. Harari, A. Aldo Faisal and A. Matic, "Modeling personality vs. modeling personalidad: In-the-wild mobile data analysis in five countries suggests cultural impact on personality models", dentro de Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies archive (IMWUT), volumen 3, número 3, presentado en Ubicomp 2019. Londres, Reino Unido, septiembre de 2019.

M. Khwaja, A. Matic, "Personality is revealed during weekends: Towards data minimisation for smartphone based personality classification", dentro de INTERACT conference, 2019.

S. Wilhelm, H. Weingarden, J.L. Greenberg, T.H. McCoy, I. Ladis, B.J. Summers, A. Matic y O. Harrison, "Development and pilot testing of a cognitive behavioral therapy digital service for body dysmorphic disorder", dentro de Behavior Therapy, agosto de 2019.

R. Confalonieri, T. R. Besold, T. Weyde, K. Creel, T. Lombrozo, S. T. Mueller y P. Shafto, "What makes a good explanation? Cognitive dimensions of explaining intelligent machines", dentro de Proceedings 41th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci 2019, Montreal, Canadá, pág. 25–26, 2019.

M. Khwaja, S. Shepherd, "Adding images to psychometric questionnaires to improve user engagement", dentro de IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pág. 621-625. Springer, Cham, 2019.

J. Grohmann, P. K. Nicholson, J. Omana Iglesias, S. Kounev y D. Lugones, "Monitorless: predicting performance degradation in cloud applications with machine learning", dentro de 20th International Middleware Conference, 2019.

A. Zaidi, I. Estella Aguerri, "Optimal rate-exponent region for a class of hypothesis testing against conditional independence problems", dentro de 2019 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2019.

X. Guo, T. Simas, M.C. Lai, M.V. Lombardo, B. Chakrabarti, A.N. Ruigrok, E.T Bullmore, S. Baron‐Cohen, H. Chen y J. Suckling, "Enhancement of indirect functional connections with shortest path length in the adult autistic brain", dentro de Human Brain Mapping, 40(18), pág.5354-5369, IMS Consortium, 2019.


M. Constantinides, J. Busk, A. Matic, M. Faurholt-Jepsen, L. Vedel Kessing y J.E. Bardram, "Personalized versus generic mood prediction models in bipolar disorder", dentro de Mental Health and Well-being: Sensing and Intervention Workshop in conjunction with UBICOMP 2018 Conference, Singapur, 2018.

S.Park, A. Matic, K. Garg y N. Oliver, "When simpler data does not imply less information: A study of user profiling scenarios with constrained view of mobile HTTP(S) traffic", dentro de Journal ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 12, número 2. 2018.


M. Pielot, B. Cardoso, K. Katevas, J. Serrà, A. Matic y N. Oliver, "Beyond interruptibility: Predicting opportune moments to engage mobile phone users", dentro de Proceedings UbiComp 2017: ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2017.

A. Matic, M. Pielot y N. Oliver, "OMG! How did it know that?” Reactions to highly-personalized ads", dentro de UMAP 2017 (Adjunct): ACM International Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization, 2017.

K. Connelly, O. Mayora, J. Favela, M. Jacobs, A. Matic, C. Nugent y S. Wagner, "The Future of pervasive health", dentro de IEEE Pervasive Computing Journal, volumen 16, no., pág. 16-20, 2017.


J. Serrà, A. Matic, J.L. Arcos y A. Karatzoglou, "A genetic algorithm to discover flexible motifs with support", dentro de Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining (SSTDM), pág. 1153-1158, diciembre de 2016.

A. Matic, N. Oliver, "The untapped opportunity of mobile network data for mental health", dentro de Future of Pervasive Health Workshop, Public Health, 2016.

M. Tentori, L. Escobedo, C. Hernandez, A. Matic y G.R. Hayes, "Pervasive displays in classrooms of children with severe autism", dentro de IEEE Pervasive Computing, volumen 15, número 3, 2016.