
Koa Foresight

Koa Foresight aprovecha la inteligencia artificial para proteger a pacientes de riesgo. Esto se consigue ayudando a los profesionales sanitarios en la detección precoz de posibles problemas de salud mental.

Online Social anxiety Cognitive Therapy for Adolescents (OSCA)
Social Anxiety Treatment (Teens)
Online Social anxiety Cognitive Therapy for Adolescents (OSCA)

Make it easier for teens and healthcare providers to work together towards recovery from social anxiety with Online Social anxiety Cognitive therapy for Adolescents (OSCA) developed by world-renowned experts at Oxford University.

OSCA has not been cleared or reviewed by the FDA

Anxiety Treatment (Children)
Anxiety Treatment (Children)

Make it easier for healthcare providers and families to work together to help children overcome anxiety problems with online therapist-supported, parent-led Cognitive Behavior Therapy (OSI) developed by leading experts at the Universities of Reading and Oxford.