Koa Foundations

Koa Foundations

Koa Health's top-ranked digital self-care option, delivering a rich library of exclusive evidence-based tools and interventions designed by leading experts to drive positive mental health outcomes and long-lasting behavior change.

app dashboard app program

Evidence-based mental health for every employee

Care at your fingertips

Exclusive, expert-designed tools

Empower employees to build the skills they need to support their mental health and thrive

A rich library of clinically-validated resources

Equip your workforce to get the support they need and handle everyday mental health challenges

Inclusive, accessible mental health support

Anytime, anywhere resources, available in seven languages for members and dependents (18+)

The challenge

6 in 10 working adults have experienced a mental health challenge

At Koa Health, we strongly believe science holds the key to understanding how mental health impacts us all and finding accessible solutions to improve employee and workplace wellbeing.

Our content is grounded in evidence-based techniques from cognitive behavioral science, mindfulness and positive psychology.

Expert, adaptable guidance

Content suggestions based on individuals’ activity, self check-ins and selected areas of interest

Skill-building for self-development

Multiple modalities to help employees relax and disconnect, improve sleep, and work with anxious thoughts

Accessible, inclusive support

Support for employees and dependents (+18) available in 7 languages from the comfort and privacy of their devices

Koa Foundations is a wellness device.

Koa Care 360
Koa Care 360

With a prevention-first approach to personalized, precision care, Koa Care 360 has something for everyone, lowering barriers to entry with easy navigation to human and digital support across the full continuum of mental health.

iCT-PTSD (Oxford)
PTSD Treatment (Adults)
PTSD Treatment (Adults)

Make it easier for patients and therapists to work towards PTSD recovery together with Internet-delivered Cognitive Therapy (iCT-PTSD) developed by leading experts at Oxford University.

iCT-PTSD has not been reviewed or cleared by the FDA