Social Anxiety Treatment (Teens)

Online Social anxiety Cognitive Therapy for Adolescents (OSCA)

Make it easier for teens and healthcare providers to work together towards recovery from social anxiety with Online Social anxiety Cognitive therapy for Adolescents (OSCA) developed by world-renowned experts at Oxford University.

Helping teens recover from social anxiety disorder

Our approach

Simplified care delivery for providers

Clear guidelines and an accessible digital platform empower diverse providers to individualize and optimize social anxiety treatment plans for every teen

Exceptional outcomes for teens

More than twice the recovery rate of young people who receive broad-based CBT approaches used to treat all anxiety problems with 3 in 4 no longer meeting the criteria for Social Anxiety Disorder after OSCA

Comfortable and adaptable

Resources and support teens can access online at the times and places that work best for them

The challenge

Social Anxiety Disorder in teens requires age-specific treatment

The most common anxiety disorder experienced by teens, Social Anxiety Disorder rarely improves without intervention. For many young people, it can make what is already a challenging time of life, full of change—good, bad and in-between—deeply unmanageable.

But finding the right care for their teens continues to be a struggle for many parents, as many providers don’t have sufficient capacity to offer the condition and age-specific treatment that’s most likely to help these young people recover from Social Anxiety Disorder.

All of the key features of Cognitive Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder in young people in a convenient digital platform

A clear framework to support treatment consistency and optimization across diverse providers

Increased flexibility for young people and providers with weekly 20-minute therapist phone calls and self-study modules

OSCA has not been cleared or reviewed by the FDA

Anxiety Treatment (Children)
Anxiety Treatment (Children)

Make it easier for healthcare providers and families to work together to help children overcome anxiety problems with online therapist-supported, parent-led Cognitive Behavior Therapy (OSI) developed by leading experts at the Universities of Reading and Oxford.

OSI has not been reviewed by the FDA

iCT-PTSD (Oxford)
PTSD Treatment (Adults)
PTSD Treatment (Adults)

Make it easier for patients and therapists to work towards PTSD recovery together with Internet-delivered Cognitive Therapy (iCT-PTSD) developed by leading experts at Oxford University.

iCT-PTSD has not been reviewed or cleared by the FDA