Meet your people where they're at

Mental health is a continuum, not a set point. 83% of people will experience mental health challenges by middle age, with needs ranging from self-care and prevention to clinical treatment and therapy. Support them all in one place with Koa Health's unified platform.

For employers

The challenge


of working adults have experienced at least one mental health challenge

Every $1 invested

in mental health support returns $4 in improved health and productivity

4X as likely

employees facing mental health challenges are four times as likely to want to leave their organization

Our approach

A unified platform

Taking care of employee mental health poses a significant challenge to organizations everywhere. Provide access to quality support across the mental health continuum and eliminate the need for multiple vendors by covering lifestyle, prevention and therapy within one unified, clinically-validated platform from Koa Health, available exclusively to enterprises.

How we can help you

Koa Care 360 by Koa Health Logo

Koa Care 360 by Koa Health delivers personalized individual mental health support that maximizes impact across your workforce. Employees are guided through flexible and effective personalized journeys, unique to them and recommended the most appropriate (and desired) mix of technology and human touch for their needs.

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For partners

More than just therapy


have experienced least one mental health challenge

7 in 10

don't use their benefits to their full value because they're too hard to use.


require everyday mental health support

Our approach

The Koa Health Difference

Supporting mental health at scale poses a significant challenge to organizations everywhere. Provide access to quality support across the mental health continuum and eliminate the need for multiple vendors by covering lifestyle, prevention and therapy within one unified, clinically-validated platform from Koa Health, available exclusively to enterprises.

How we partner with you

Koa Care 360 by Koa Health Logo

Koa Care 360 by Koa Health delivers personalized individual mental health support that maximizes impact across your book of business. Members are guided through smooth, easy-to-navigate pathways, unique to them and recommended the most appropriate (and desired) mix of technology and human touch for their needs.

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For health plans

The challenge

By 2025

demand for mental health services could exceed supply by up to 15,600 psychiatrists


of people globally won't seek out help for clinical-level mental health challenges

2 times

as likely—people with mental illness are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes and 3 to 5 times more likely to suffer a stroke.

Our approach

The Koa Health difference

Ensuring members can access the mental health care they need—while controlling costs—is an enormous challenge. Provide access to quality support, at scale by covering lifestyle, prevention and therapy within one unified, clinically-validated platform from Koa Health, available exclusively to enterprises.

How we partner with you

Koa Care 360 by Koa Health Logo

Koa Care 360 by Koa Health delivers personalized individual mental health support that maximizes impact across your member population. Members are guided through smooth, easy-to-navigate pathways, unique to them and recommended the most appropriate (and desired) mix of technology and human touch for their needs.

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Online Social anxiety Cognitive Therapy for Adolescents (OSCA)

Ensuring teens living with social anxiety disorder receive the right care for their unique needs presents a challenge to parents and care providers alike. Improve access and outcomes with Online Social Anxiety Cognitive Therapy for Adolescents (OSCA) developed by world-renowned experts at Oxford University.

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Social anxiety disorder is frequent, but many go years without treatment. Make it easier for your members and care providers to work towards recovery from Social Anxiety Disorder together with Internet-delivered Cognitive Therapy (iCT-SAD) developed by leading experts at Oxford University.

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A global shortage of therapists means families often face long waits to access treatment for children. With OSI Child Anxiety, developed by leading experts at the Universities of Reading and Oxford, parents and providers can ensure children receive the support they need to recover.

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PTSD can impact every aspect of people's lives and people often struggle to access effective treatment. Make it easier for members and care providers to work towards PTSD recovery together with Internet-delivered Cognitive Therapy (iCT-PTSD) developed by leading experts at Oxford University.

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